Arjana and Bart have been compagnons de route for many years to support teachers in their professional development. Since more than 10 years they have hosted Teachmeets, both online and onsite.

Arjana Blazic
Arjana Blazic is a teacher trainer, education technology consultant and course designer. She holds a Master of Education from the University of Zagreb and a Course Designer Diploma from the CARNet e-Learning Academy. She is a recipient of the 2014-2015 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Award at Penn State University. She is co-author of the National Curriculum for English and the National Curriculum for the Use of ICT as a Cross-Curricular Topic. She is an external expert at European Schoolnet, where she contributes to EU CodeWeek by developing teaching and learning resources that aim at scaling up innovative use of digital technologies in schools.
Arjana has extensive experience and expertise in designing training opportunities for teachers. Her interests focus on technology-enhanced teaching and learning, and creativity and innovation in different teaching contexts. She has written articles about teaching and learning with technology, teacher professional development and building teacher capacity. She likes experimenting with digital tools and learning how to effectively use technology in the classroom.
Arjana is author and founder of award-winning projects and online and onsite professional development training courses. Her projects have been awarded by Microsoft Partners in Learning, eTwinning, Europe@School and Edublogs. Arjana speaks at conferences and leads workshops, seminars and webinars.

Bart Verswijvel
,Bart Verswijvel is an independent Belgian educator and expert trainer who works as a Senior Pedagogical Adviser for European Schoolnet in Brussels. He is the pedagogical lead of the Future Classroom Lab, and he is active in a range of European funded projects. He also coordinates the EUN network of Future Classroom ambassadors.
Bart worked with Ministries of Education, schools and communities of teachers. His special interest is in the use of artificial intelligence in education. He also researches whole-school approaches to stimulate active learning and innovative practices in a context of innovative learning spaces with the support of technology.
As a private education consultant with his company Lernacon, he facilitates professional development for teachers and schools. Bart designs and delivers online and on-site courses and workshops. He has worked as a course leader for communities, schools and institutes in Europe and the Middle East. Lernacon is the coordinator Daiverse, a EU funded project, exploring the power of artificial intelligence for inclusion in education.
Bart is an international keynote speaker and a host of Twitter chats, hackathons, webinars and Teachmeets. Bart is the co-founder and co-host of the International Teachmeet at BETT. He is also an expert at the National Agencies of Belgium and the Netherlands. Bart has been a project judge for Microsoft and other organisations at Belgian and European competitions for teachers and he held the title of Microsoft Innovative Educator for 2 successive years. He has been very active in the eTwinning community both as a teacher and as a member of the Central Support Service.
Bart holds a master’s degree in Germanic Philology and a postgraduate in E-learning and Digital Didactics. He is a Moodle Certified Educator.
Bart Verswijvel has published many articles and is a co-author of several textbooks for Dutch as a mother tongue. In 2010, Bart was awarded the Queen Paola Prize for Education.
Bart’s power is to spread the joy of learning. Store your knowledge in friends, is his favourite quote.